BFI FLARE 2020 - Pxssy Palace
There's no doubt the club Pxssy Palace does great work and, if the film grows a strong community around it, Pxssy Palace will succeed in at least bringing awareness of its cause
BFI FLARE 2020 - Lone Wolf + The Passing
The Lone Wolf and The Passing are two terrifically poignant shorts
BFI Flare 2020 - Came the Wave
There is a profound weight to each and every moment in Vint la Vaguewith valuable consequence, and one that screams to be explored further
BFI Flare 2020 - A Battle in Waterloo (short)
Writer-director Emma Moffat's short film Battle of Waterloo is a remarkably poignant and profound short that utterly engulfs its audience with a compelling and clever juxtaposed plot.