To support our independent site and to pay our writers, we are incredibly excited to announce our own very own special line of film merchandise. Taking inspiration from all aspects of the cinematic medium, old and new, independent cinema and the blockbuster, we have an array of film merchandise on offer.
In partnership with artist Sunshine Tucker (@sunshinetucker_), our designs are available exclusively on BONFIRE.
Hand drawn by Sunshine Tucker, we first celebrated Halloween and the icons of Horror, new and old. We then followed up with a new range of cinematic characters celebrated in contemporary cinema with Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Lighthouse, Lost in Translation and Mulholland Drive to name just a few. Our merchandise drops every two to three months, so to keep update you should be following us on Twitter @CLAPPERltd for more information and contact with the team.
You can buy all the designs below available on hoodies, t-shirts, and sweatshirts via our link at BONFIRE now.