BFI FLARE 2020 - Pxssy Palace


At an incredibly brief six minutes, Pxssy Palace is not a film that belongs in the cinematic medium but conveys itself as more of an advert for the activities of the titular LGBTQ club in Hackney London.

In that context, it does exactly what it sets out to do but falls victim to the show don't tell rule. Most of the activities of the club are shown in a montage among only a few slightly longer clips showcasing the employees at work. 

There's no doubt the club Pxssy Palace does great work and, if the film grows a strong community around it, Pxssy Palace will succeed in at least bringing awareness of its cause. However, the short is only of interest to viewers who may be visiting the location or want to know more about this club specifically – not the broader reach of specific characters or a narrative.

Tim Neill

Lover of storyies and storytelling. Media graduate. If I’m not spending time takeing in the latest TV or film I’m probably watching tennis or planing what play or musical I’m going to see next.


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