Death by Adaptation - The Godfather
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow examines the overlap between Puzo’s vision and Coppola’s treatment of The Godfather
Go! Go! Go! Merry Christmas – The Cinematic Gifts of Doug Liman and His Unheralded Holiday Classic
Celebrate Christmas with Randy Burrows and his wonderful essay on Doug Liman’s Go
Death by Adaptation: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
In the newest instalment of the Death by Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso compares Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas with its multiple cinematic adaptations
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW v The Modern Blockbuster
In her debut essay, Melanie Killingsworth hails Legends of Tomorrow as the next evolution of the modern blockbuster
Death by Adaptation - Great Expectations (1998)
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation features series, Ewan Gleadow takes apart the 1998 adaptation of Great Expectations
THE LAST DUEL as Best Musical/Comedy and Taking the Keys from Grampa
In his latest article, Randy Burrows dismantles the logic of The Golden Globes
Death By Adaptation: Red Dragon (2002) and Manhunter (1986)
In the newest instalment of Death By Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso examines the adaptations of Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon
The Medieval Coexistence of Male Ego, MeToo, and the Hollywood Pivot
In his latest piece, Randy Burrows examines The Last Duel as a MeToo text and a potential herald of cultural changes in Hollywood
The Imitative Grindhouse Cinema of Rob Zombie
In his latest essay, Nicolò Grasso attempts to understand what makes Rob Zombie tick
How Tony Scott and Michael Mann changed modern video games
In his latest essay Nicolo Grasso suggests how Tony Scott and Michael Mann movies have shaped the direction of video game development
Carey Price, Mental Wellness and THE BABADOOK
In his latest essay, Randy Burrows examines The Babadook in the context of its perspective on mental health and the woes of single parenting
Halloween 2021: Should You Root for Slasher Villains?
In his latest essay, Nicolo Grasso takes an incisive look at the idea of viewing slasher horrors through the eyes of the villain
Halloween 2021: The True Horror of Martyrs
To mark this year’s Halloween, Nicolo Grasso examines the meaning behind Martyrs
Halloween 2021: The Feminine Body Horror of Julia Ducournau
In his latest essay Nicolò Grasso cuts into the stomach-churning cinema of Julia Ducournau
Death By Adaptation: Dune (1984)
In this instalment of the Death By Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow slices into Dune and David Lynch’s translation of Frank Herbert’s vision
Death By Adaptation: It (2017)
In the newest instalment of the Death By Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso takes apart Stephen King’s It and its recent two-part adaptation
GLOW: Finding Closure in Cancellation
In his latest essay, Nicolo Grasso pays tribute to Glow on the anniversary of its cancellation
SQUID GAME: The Second Coming of TV or Hollow Binging Material?
In his latest essay, Jak-Luke Sharp explores the roaring success of the Netflix property Squid Game and the possible reasons why
Death by Adaptation: Jane Eyre (2011)
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation serious laudanum at 33 writes about Jane Eyre viewed through the modern lens.
Death By Adaptation: Jane Eyre (1943)
In the newest instalment of Death by Adaptation series, Nicolo Grasso examines the 1943 adaptation of Jane Eyre