Death by Adaptation - The Godfather
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow examines the overlap between Puzo’s vision and Coppola’s treatment of The Godfather
Death by Adaptation: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
In the newest instalment of the Death by Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso compares Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas with its multiple cinematic adaptations
Death by Adaptation - Great Expectations (1998)
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation features series, Ewan Gleadow takes apart the 1998 adaptation of Great Expectations
Death By Adaptation: Dune (1984)
In this instalment of the Death By Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow slices into Dune and David Lynch’s translation of Frank Herbert’s vision
Death By Adaptation: It (2017)
In the newest instalment of the Death By Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso takes apart Stephen King’s It and its recent two-part adaptation
Death by Adaptation: Jane Eyre (2011)
In the latest instalment of Death by Adaptation serious laudanum at 33 writes about Jane Eyre viewed through the modern lens.
Death By Adaptation: Jane Eyre (1943)
In the newest instalment of Death by Adaptation series, Nicolo Grasso examines the 1943 adaptation of Jane Eyre
Death by Adaptation: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
In the latest instalment of the Death by Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow compares and contrasts Terry Gilliam’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with the source material
Death by Adaptation: American Psycho
In the latest instalment of the Death by Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow examines how Mary Harron’s adaptation of Mary Harron enriches the source material
Death by Adaptation: Silence
In the newest instalment of the Death by Adaptation feature series, Nicolò Grasso compares Martin Scorsese’s Silence with its literary source material
Death by Adaptation: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
In the inaugural article in CLAPPER’s Death By Adaptation feature series, Ewan Gleadow compares and contrasts the novelization of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with its movie counterpart