Watchmen - Episode 7: An Almost Religious Awe
The penny has finally dropped in Damon Lindelof's Watchmen series, with an awe-inspiring hour of excellent television on from its equally as impressive preceding episode. Directed by David Semel, the seventh episode, An Almost Religious Awe, of this remixed series is the type of television the audience has been dying to see. An invigorating and engaging hour by the second that grasps its viewer by the ears and screams in their face with a resulting delight.
More strange is the fact that nothing is notably differing from the usual structure and formality of the series. It is, however, the delivery this time around that ticks all the boxes. It is profound, intoxicating and entertaining with twists and turns that dig deep and feel meaningful to the last six hours of footage. Arcs are now being fulfilled finally after a long contextual procrastination that led viewers in droves to abandon this series before it even sparked an inclination of what it was. Nevertheless, in an era of Snapchat, Vine and TikTok, bitesize delivery is the norm and the long slog is one left to the greats of cinema to attend.
Jeremy Irons’s Adrian Veidt is once again waiting in the wings, with an arc that has now only two hours to find a resolution with nothing credible or compelling in sight. The mystery of Dr Manhattan is touched upon in the series up until this point, giving the distinct impression it was avoiding the full character stop. The twists and turns are perfectly weaved with an outstanding reveal for fans and casual audiences alike, the timing executed with utter perfection.
It all seems to be coming up Millhouse for Lindelof's series and with its penultimate episode and the much-anticipated finale yet to drop, Watchmen still has a long way to go to truly floor audiences. Nevertheless, with two episodes on the bounce delivering exactly what audiences wanted and did not know they needed, Watchmen is on the right road for a decent latter half with hopes it does not take the wrong exit.
Watchmen is released Sunday and Monday nights exclusively on HBO and SKY ONE.