Marriage Story
It is not often that a film comes along that is so achingly authentic, so emotionally moving, so rich in character that it feels less like a film and more like a snapshot of reality. Marriage Story is one of those extraordinary experiences — one as charming, soulful and crushing as anything released this year.
Marriage Story revolves around Charlie Parker (Adam Driver) and Nicole Parker (Scarlett Johansson), a couple going through a coast-to-coast divorce with Nicole shooting a series in LA and Charlie working on a play in New York.
Driver and Johansson give the best performances by an actor and actress all year. They are astounding in this film. Driver hides his emotions behind his eyes before his stoic demeanour starts to break down and Johansson is more forward with how she feels, resulting in raw moments of anger, sadness and understanding. It is the kind of acting that does not feel like acting at all.
The supporting cast is also fantastic. Laura Dern‘s turn as a ditzy but respected lawyer is a highlight; Ray Liotta and Alan Alda also put in some good work, though their screen time is much more limited than Dern’s. There is even a damn solid child performance from actor Azhy Robertson, doing a great job as the son of Charlie and Nicole stuck in the middle of this less-than-ideal situation. Their performances are able to shine because of the script by writer-director Noah Baumbach.
Baumbach knows about people and how they communicate, how they express themselves, how they live. The dialogue is in another league. It is so naturalistic that it feels like improv. For example, in several different conversations throughout, a character will cut themself off and change the subject for a couple of seconds before redirecting back to the main topic at hand. Characters will stutter, they will crack jokes during awkward situations, they will change emotions in a split-second; it all feels unbelievably real. The character work is phenomenal throughout, with the motivations of the characters always making sense and the development being subtle but noticeable. Charlie’s arc, in particular, is immensely satisfying.
Noah Baumbach’s direction is perfectly restrained and controlled. He has such a good grasp on tone and precisely what to show to emphasize character. The score by Randy Newman beautifully rides a fine line between whimsical and emotional, never losing balance. There are shades of his Toy Story score here but it is never blatant enough that it becomes distracting. Robbie Ryan’s cinematography is reserved but still manages to frame everything in an interesting way; it is at its best whenever Nicole and Charlie are in the same room, as it highlights the separation between the two characters in a heartbreaking way.
The editing by Jennifer Lame is excellent, maximizing the length of the most important scenes and minimizing the less important ones to keep it moving forward at a quick pace. It particularly stands out in the opening five minutes, with the flashes of life and good memories that the couple has shared proving hilarious and beautiful in equal measure.
Marriage Story is quite possibly the best film of the entire year. It is a film about love and life made by a person who profoundly understands those concepts. It is a film that is full of meaning, full of those small details that make a film a masterpiece. There is not a single quality that is out of place or distracting. It is an immaculate experience that should be watched by absolutely everyone.
Marriage Story is streaming exclusively on NETFLIX December 6th