BERLINALE 2020 - Always Amber
Directors Hannah Reinikainen Bergeman and Lia Hietala three-year documentary Always Amber highlighting the transition and life of Amber Mastracci is a stunningly profound and heartfelt insight into gender identity and the new queer generation growing in Sweden.
Three years’ worth of footage condensed into a slim eighty minute run time may seem like a tough task to conquer; however, it is wonderfully curated without an inch of fat. Everything that is included has a purpose and intent that drives the story forward. Evolving the life of Amber Mastracci with strengthened and engaging levels of weight and layers.
The charisma character of Mastracci alone — being effortlessly infectious and engaging — drives this documentary forward. Mastracci bares all here, and in all its poignancy and heartfelt trauma that Mastracci is psychologically going through. The titular subject continually moves forward fighting to find out who they are on a day by days bases is a compelling and profound testament to what Amber is fighting and living for.
Always Amber captures such footage primarily through handheld home media of which is intimately and delicately produced from Mastracci. The footage ranges from intimate relationships with best friend Sebastian and flame Olivera, home video of mother and father Alma and Luciano Mastracci, as well as day to day activities of an average teenager. At its core, Always Amber is a feature-length vlog, and the decision to utilised this visual format is a genius judgement.
Not only does the vlog approach provide a tremendous layer of intimacy, but it quickly engages with viewers who are at a similar age of Amber. Helping to provide comfort that someone in a digital age is showcasing their journey as not only inspiration but a guide. Arguably for that reason alone Always Amber solidifies itself not only as a thoroughly captivating feature but a film that acts as a haven and refuge for those who are not comfortable as they are at this point in their lives, ultimately giving hope to those who need it the most.