The Uncut Gems Podcast - Episode 23: Death Proof
The Uncut Gems Podcast
The Uncut Gems Podcast is a show where a bunch of like-minded individuals gather around a virtual table to discuss films that for one reason or another have become forgotten. Tongues pressed firmly in cheek, the team don their film historian top hats and rant from sedentary positions to hopefully conclude whether the film in question deserves to be covered by sands of time or if it is a classic in dire need of attention.
In this episode of the show we are discussing Quentin Tarantino's most maligned movie, Death Proof. Over the course of this wildly heated discussion we interrogate Tarantino's style, critique his indulgences, look for social commentary embedded within the character of Stuntman Mike, and naturally tip our hats to the great legacy of stuntmen and stuntwomen of Hollywood. Join for the movie talk, stay for the fisticuffs because in our expanded lineup of hosts we harboured an entire spectrum of opinion on both the film and its controversial creator.
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Produced and edited by Jakub Flasz
Hosts: Jakub Flasz, Carson Timar, Nicolo Grasso, Jak-Luke Sharp, Hillary White & Kevin Whyte