The Uncut Gems Podcast - Episode 217 (Chain Reaction)

The Uncut Gems Podcast

The Uncut Gems Podcast is a show where a bunch of like-minded individuals gather around a virtual table to discuss films that for one reason or another have become forgotten. Tongues pressed firmly in cheek, the team don their film historian top hats and rant from sedentary positions to hopefully conclude whether the film in question deserves to be covered by sands of time or if it is a classic in dire need of attention.

In this episode of the show our March Madness with Andrew Davis continues with a conversation about his 1996 outing Chain Reaction. Over the course of our chat you will hear us talk about Davis going back to the well to recapture the success of The Fugitive and why we think it was a bad idea. We talk about how this movie fits into the shifting landscape of star-driven action entertainment, Morgan Freeman in unexpected roles, the idea of capturing science-derived concepts on film without ever thinking them through and how important it is to remember your grammar while trying to sound villainous.

Tune in, follow, like and subscribe at your podcatcher of choice and be sure to follow the show on Twitter and Instagram as well! You can also support the show on Ko-fi! Also, be sure to subscribe to our Patreon for more exclusive podcasts.

Produced and hosted by Jakub Flasz & Randy Burrows
Edited by Jakub Flasz

Jakub Flasz

Jakub is a passionate cinenthusiast, self-taught cinescholar, ardent cinepreacher and occasional cinesatirist. He is a card-carrying apologist for John Carpenter and Richard Linklater's beta-orbiter whose favourite pastime is penning piles of verbiage about movies.

Twitter: @talkaboutfilm


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