ClapperCast - Episode 95: Oscar Nominations, Jackass Forever, Moonfall, I Want You Back & Road to Wrestlemania Week 1 (Feat. The Film Drunk)
On this week of ClapperCast, the team is joined by The Film Drunk's Jonathan Fujii as they break down the 2022 Oscar Nominations and bring reviews for Jackass Forever, Moonfall, I Want You Back, and Ready to Rumble as part of ClapperCast's Road to Wrestlemania Series!

Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets
Dr. Bird’s Advice for Sad Poets simply has too much to offer, with none of it clicking together as it should

SDIFF 2020: The MisEducation of Bindu
The MisEducation of Bindu is the perfect blending of creative comedy and legitimate depth becoming a worthwhile viewing experience for all audiences

ARROW FRIGHTFEST (digital): 12 Hour Shift
Brea Grant definitely shows chops here, and while it’s not particularly profound, 12 HOUR SHIFT is still a really great time
FANTASIA 2020: You Cannot Kill David Arquette
You Cannot Kill David Arquette is a portrait of a man asking for forgiveness, it’s time that the wrestling world gives David Arquette another chance.