SXSW 2020 - We Don't Deserve Dogs


We Don't Deserve Dogs is a heartfelt documentary that explores the impact dogs have on the everyday lives of a mix of people from walks of life around the world. Director Matthew Salleh takes a candid approach, and at times it feels like a surprisingly hard-hitting documentary.

The choice of subjects is for the most part strong here, and the people interviewed about their dogs represent a broad spectrum of humanity. We get to see dog owners from places as diverse as Africa, Thailand and Scotland, which certainly adds weight to a film that could have easily been too light and inconsequential. 

Don't expect this to be an entirely cuddly story though, as some of the subjects have lived through some harrowing times. This depicts what a positive impact the pets have had on their lives and the film really shines because of this concept. The decision to go broad with the owners interviewed really works and it doesn’t only give an insight to their lives, but a brief look at their culture as well.

That being said, not at all the people interviewed are as engaging and one may end up wanting to have spent more time with some than others. This means that in small parts the film does drag a little, it’s a minor gripe though, and actually serves to highlight the strength of some of the stories brought to screen.

It is clear from the outset that the team behind it clearly have an eye for cinematography.  Every moment is beautifully shot; even someone not very fond of dogs can love them through this piece. There is also an artistry to the filmmaking that isn’t often applied to documentaries and it’s all the better for it. The cutaways to the countries and townships where the people live are lavishly shot and really add weight and context to the stories being narrated.

If anything lets the film down, it's the intense musical score that whilst effective is all too present for the entirety of the running time. It's not a bad score, it just gets a bit overwhelming and ends up being a distraction from the events taking place on screen rather than complimenting them.

Intense soundtrack aside, We Don't Deserve Dogs  is for the most part an engaging and heartfelt documentary that might turn anyone into a dog lover. The film ends with little doubt that although we might not deserve dogs, dogs definitely deserve this film.

Paul Anderson


Twitter - @hkcavalier1982

Letterboxd - Hamsolo77

Co-host of the Strangers in a Cinema podcast and part of the Exit 6 Film Festival team, Paul is a passionate fan of films of any length! Favourites include ‘There Will Be Blood’, Jurassic Park and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and he also quotes Buckaroo Banzai more than anyone should!


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