Sundance 2021: Life in a Day 2020
sundance 2021
With technology constantly advancing and becoming more accessible, it was only natural that a project like 2011's Life in a Day would eventually become a reality. Collecting over 80,000 clips from individuals across the world capturing their experiences on 24 July 2010, the film offered a unique perspective on the global human condition and both the differences and similarities found between borders and lifestyles. Almost exactly a decade later, director Kevin Macdonald is back with Life in a Day 2020 which collects clips from around the world showing life on 25 July 2020.
Where many films have touched the soul of the world and attempted to capture the human experience during such a troublesome year, Life in a Day 2020 immediately becomes one of the most powerful and well-crafted approaches to this goal, truly becoming a film that will not just touch those today but also will serve as a worthy time capsule of these times for future audiences. In a year defined by quarantine and the lack of interaction, it cannot be expressed just how refreshing it is to connect with real society in any form. Seeing life and society continue to live and grow on a global scale has never felt so emotional and powerful. The film has an incredible amount of personality and humanity that is diverse and authentic. From a young man driving around and watching trains pass by as a hobby to farmers in rural regions taking care of the chores of the day, Life in a Day 2020 has the unique ability to sit with life in a passive yet truly engaging way that simply couldn't be fabricated in a fictional setting.
Yet the documentary also is aware that any efforts to pass off 2020 as being just another normal year would ultimately fall futile. 2020 was a year of struggle, pain, and history. From global protests fighting for equality to a global pandemic that took over 2 million lives, Life in a Day 2020 is clearly aware of these events and has mature discussions of their global impacts without letting it ultimately define the feature. The film is devastating at times, as the audience is exposed first hand to the true tragedy and pain of these events with the same authenticity and rawness of the more positive outlooks on modern society. Whilst it is refreshing to see expressions of love and hope in the real world, it is equally painful to see loss and depression. The film walks a challenging tightrope between these two emotions but finds a balance that speaks to a larger truth of the modern human condition.
More than anything else, Life in a Day 2020 finds a reassuring outlook on how life continues even in the face of historic fights for simple survival. Even if it looks different, humans continue to exist. As the world turns feelings of love and dreaming for a better tomorrow lives on. Couples still welcome new children, soulmates get engaged, and children enter the world. When life can seem awfully depressing, it is meaningful to see these events and be reminded that life continues for all.
Life in a Day 2020, quite frankly, is the perfect film for right now. Both incredibly heartwarming and emotional, the film is honest and incredibly well crafted in all of its emotions and larger conversations. This is a mature and authentic exploration of the global condition from society and is an easy recommendation, especially considering the film will be streaming free on Youtube.