CLAPPER Debates - 02 - Christopher Nolan (Patreon Exclusive Podcast)

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It is our great pleasure to announce that the new episode of CLAPPER Debates is now available to access over at CLAPPER’s brand new Patreon! In this wildly unhinged recording we embarked on a mission to deconstruct and analyze the phenomenon of Christopher Nolan's clout within the online communities of Film Twitter. But somewhere in the process gears shifted and we ended up with a nearly 5-hours long debate about every. Single. One. Of. His movies. And - to top it all off - if you make it to the end of the show you will likely find out that for some of us this meant staying up well into the night and maybe witnessing the sunrise as we argued if Dunkirk is propaganda or if it's appropriate for Interstellar to make a grown man cry. Tune in and join us on this odyssey! Step right in! The water's fabulous!

For just $2 a month, you will gain access to this exclusive bonus podcast as well as the upcoming episode of Classic Clappercast in addition to all the previous exclusive podcasts! So, if you enjoy hearing our voices and you would like to help CLAPPER in its mission of amplifying independent and marginalised voices in film, please consider subscribing!

If you would like to subscribe to our Patreon, please use the link in the button below or go to and, as always, thank you for your continued support of CLAPPER's goals and aspirations!

Jakub Flasz

Jakub is a passionate cinenthusiast, self-taught cinescholar, ardent cinepreacher and occasional cinesatirist. He is a card-carrying apologist for John Carpenter and Richard Linklater's beta-orbiter whose favourite pastime is penning piles of verbiage about movies.

Twitter: @talkaboutfilm


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