LFF2020 - Another Round
Thomas Vinterberg and Mads Mikkelsen, who previously collaborated on The Hunt, come together along with screenwriter Tobias Lindholm to create a ferociously entertaining delve into the complex world of alcohol consumption in Another Round.
Mikkelsen takes the lead as Martin, a history teacher with increasing frustrations towards his failed attempts to engage with his senior class at school, all while his family life seems to be quickly deteriorating. Finding that his group of friends who also teach at the school are all in the same rut as Martin, they agree to embark on a social experiment inspired by the hypothesis from psychiatrist Finn Skårderud. With the theory suggesting that all humans have an alcohol deficit of 0.05%, Martin, along with the three teachers, take up day drinking to see if the theory holds weight and brings any improvement to their lives. Whilst results remain positive for a while, the consumption begins to increase and excess starts to take control, forcing the ensemble to confront their issues head on, inhibitions intact.
On the surface, the narrative of Another Round comes across as a typical trashy comedy, perhaps pointing the finger at those who overindulge in the consumption of alcohol for some cheap and forgettable laughs. Yet that is where the brilliance of the film truly shines. Another Round, at no point places judgement on any of its characters, displaying a nuanced and incredibly well thought out look at the effects on alcohol on our every day lives. There are certainly very deep lows caused by the excess intake of the drug, but this is also somewhat countered by the time given to show why so many people partake in the drink to begin with.
It is an incredibly hard thing to do with a film, yet Vinterberg’s strong direction along with Lindholm’s (co-written with Vinterberg) captivating script, it somehow manages to walk the tight rope without ever coming close to slipping. This is perhaps nowhere clearer than in the care that is given into the creation in each of the film's main four characters, with every individual given a distinct but entirely believable personality – further enhanced with the individual reactions to the alcohol itself. More time is perhaps given to certain characters over others, with some dynamics feeling just slightly downplayed at times. Perhaps this is to ensure enough attention is given to Martin and his wife Trine (Maria Bonnevie), who ultimately deliver one of they key emotional cruxes of the narrative, conveying a decaying relationship that many may tragically find familiarity in.
Playing drunk on film, much like the narrative, can quickly lead to over-the-top goofiness. While the film does at times relish in the antics that drunk friends can partake in, it never once stops feeling real. Mikkelsen proves, once again, to be one of the strongest working actors today, delivering a performance that is filled with the perfect amount of humour and tragedy to convey the mid-life crisis the father of two is facing. All the while, the supporting cast of friends consisting of Thomas Bo Larsen, Lars Ranthe and Magnus Millang are all fantastic, with the chemistry between everyone feeling natural throughout the entirety of the film.
Another Round is A masterfully made film in every regard. So often has this type of narrative fell flat on its face, conveying a preachy and eye-rolling tone as if the film wishes to condemn its audience. Yet here, Vinterberg has crafted an engaging, thoughtful and insightful delve into the culture of alcohol, friendship, love and so much more. It is a film that encourages reflection rather than damnation and is sure to be a guaranteed success come awards season.