TIFF 2020: Pieces of A Woman

Launching its North American festival run at the 45th Toronto International Film Festival, Pieces of A Woman tells the story of a couple (The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby and Honey Boy’s Shia LaBeouf) in mourning, who attempt to brave the aftermath of a heartbreaking development in their lives as they cope with finding out who is to blame. Winning a slew of awards at the Venice Film Festival along with a notable Netflix acquisition, Kornél Mundruczó's english-language debut has drummed up much buzz and fanfare in the festival crowd. 

From the opening sequence of the film, one must take note of Mundruczó's standout directorial talent at play in the film. Influenced by his roots in theatre direction, he stages the entire first quarter of the film to be executed as a hypnotising series of long takes, symphonically building up to a key sequence that leaves one enamored with the filmmaking techniques employed. Unfortunately, due to the remarkability of Mundruczó's tour-de-force being condensed into these long takes, the rest of the film, while still touching, cannot match the directorial brilliance of the first act. Yet, one aspect that does carry on throughout the film is seen in Weber’s screenplay that truly packs a emotionally devastating punch. While straightforward, it brings you into the minds of the characters as they struggle with their new reality, and each successful or unsuccessful attempt to reconcile will tear any who watches it apart. 

What truly brings the film together, however, is the way in which Mundruczó is able to extract powerhouse performances from everyone involved. While the first act may just put the spotlight on Kirby, once we begin to learn how the loss has affected the family, we see scene after scene of talent firing on all cylinders. Shia LaBeouf delivers a gut-wrenching performance as a confused father in mourning, and Ellyen Burstyn steals the scenes she’s in, despite their brevity in what should be instantly deemed an award-worthy performance. 

Yet, despite the tremendously high competition from the rest of the cast, Vanessa Kirby is the indubitable standout here. Deservedly winning the highest acting honor at the Venice Film Festival, she commands the screen, delivering startling bursts of emotion in between nuanced moments that still showcase her inner hurt. Throughout the various breaks in the film, one can clearly tell that even the way in which she carries herself becomes a true testament to her acting ability and announces the coming of a new acting powerhouse in the industry. 

Pieces of A Woman is an emotionally devastating masterclass that shines because of its heartbreakingly real performances and brilliant opening. While it may slightly falter on certain fronts as the film goes on, it still is able to uphold itself because of its touching thematic depth, resulting in a film that will truly impact all those who see it.


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